Buzzing Beginnings

Jordan and Everly enjoying time together

Jordan Within Motherhood

Everly Harlow

Becoming a new mom was an overwhelming mix of joy and uncertainty. There was no instant love like in the movies for me. I was lost, not knowing what I was getting myself into. I knew what I should be doing during pregnancy because our bodies take over. But when she was placed in my arms for the first time, confusion and doubt set in instantly because I thought instant love and knowledge would set in. It didn’t.

I struggled with every stage of motherhood; I was not a natural, I was not an expert, and every day I was winging it. My baby and I were learning together, and there were moments of frustration when it seemed like we couldn’t get it right. But through trial and tribulations, I began to figure it out. Those quiet moments when my baby looked up at me with wide, trusting eyes made every challenge worth it.

While caring for my newborn, I struggled to find time for myself. I missed feeling like me. My body had changed, my days revolved around my baby’s needs, and I felt disconnected from the person I was before motherhood. We know the importance of prioritizing health to be the best moms we can be, but finding balance is hard.

I started by making small changes. I prepared quick, nutritious meals that fueled my body and helped me feel more energized. I took short walks with my baby strapped to me, I slowly moved back to the gym. It took years for me to figure how to be my own person again. Slowly, I began to reconnect with myself.

Motherhood is a journey of highs and lows, but through it all, I learned the importance of self-care and nourishing my body and mind. I found strength and joy in my new role, and I became the mother I aspired to be. So now I am here to help you and guide you through the weeds of entering motherhood, so welcome to my hive.

Empowering Moms

Meet the Dietitian

Jordan Colberg, MS, RDN, LDN

I am Jordan, a dedicated Registered Dietitian with a passion for maternal and child nutrition. I graduated from West Chester University with my B.S. in nutrition in 2021 and my M.S. in Community Nutrition in 2022. My background also includes being a former U.S. Navy veteran who served overseas for four years, completing four deployments. With a commitment to serving others instilled through military service, I bring a unique blend of expertise and compassion to my practice. Specializing in guiding families through the nutritional journey from pregnancy to childhood, I empower parents with evidence-based advice and practical strategies to foster healthy habits and optimal growth for both mothers and children. With a focus on nurturing well-being and fostering resilience, my holistic approach to nutrition reflects my unwavering dedication to supporting individuals and families on their path to wellness.

Jordan getting her masters of science in nutrition

In the Hive, we have…

Embrace motherhood with positivity and resilience through our specialized mindset support, designed to uplift and empower you during the postpartum period.

Our Healthy Promise

Fueling Families

Welcome to Everbee Nu, your go-to destination for expert insights on postpartum health and wellness! At Everbee Nu, we’re passionate about empowering mothers with knowledge and resources. We can provide what you need to nourish and care for yourself while also taking care of your little one.

Our mission is simple: to provide evidence-based information, practical tips, and delicious recipes. Tailored specifically for new moms, and growing families. Whether you’re navigating pregnancy cravings, feeding your baby with your body, introducing solids to your baby, or managing picky eaters, we’re here to support you every step of the way.

If you have any questions, reach out to us here:

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